2011 was a season(s) of enjoying the scene. I was hoping for more when in came to results but will take what I got. I met a lot of new people and grew some relationships stronger, so that makes up for results. Looking back over my info I'm not surprised on how racing went.
I started riding on January 17 and kept it up for about 3 months but only logged 500 miles. I didn't do any other training so that's it. April was better and by May I had managed 985 miles. Then work hit full force and I didn't keep track of riding at all. I know I didn't ride in June and finally got back to riding in early July. When the dust settles the year has ended with 2,500 - 2,750 miles / 150 - 166 hrs.
2012 is will be a season of more focus and commitment. I will focus on my family, career and the joy of cycling. I have completed my plan and have started preparing for next season. Things will be very busy, so scheduling will be very important.
That's all for 2011. Have a safe and Happy New Year.
Friday, December 30
Monday, December 5
CX State Championship - Bitch Slapped!
Bragging Rights Bitches! Has been a joke since Iceman for Osgood, Selle and Me, so it was only fitting that Championship morning was No different. The phrase was posted and now it was time to see what happened.
The coarse was muddy and the temps were warm for December and my mind was ready to get it on. Got to the line late, because no one else heard the 10 minutes late start and now was 3rd row. Not good considering I wanted 3rd wheel going into the mud. After looking around I noticed Pete Thompson, Andy Weir? and Pat Russell had joined our group. That top 3 finish is looking more out of reach. Away we go.....
Into the mud I'm mid pack and worried about a crash. That doesn't happen but guys are all over, this doesn't make A. Weir happy and he makes a comment 'Guys are riding like a bunch of C racers'. I haven't checked the results yet so I hope he dropped done and won that championship earlier in the day. Down the first hill and soon off the bike and like Forest I am running. Past a few guys but still losing too much ground to the leaders (Pete is already gone). The field strung out quick, halfway through the first lap I have no clue on my position. What I did know is I was sinking in the mud. I foolishly tried to pedal through it and was losing even more time. I finally realized I should run more after Dan B. jogged by me on lap 2, I think. That was quicker, look at him go. I just kept riding and didn't know what lap I was on or how many were left. I do remember them saying 3 to go then I thought I heard the bell lap next time around? Not sure, maybe I was losing it mentally. I still had two laps left and knew I was out of the top 5, but Hilditch was behind me and Osgood and I were trading jabs. He would lead then me, back and forth for almost 2 laps. I didn't get away from him until the last half of the final lap. I raced hard and had fun. Finished 6th for Masters 35+ and 3rd 40-44. I have bragging rights on Osgood and Selle but was Bitch Slapped by the rest. Oh well, that's my fault.
The spectators were great and hearing the cheers around the coarse was awesome. I didn't realize that many people knew me. It felt great. It was funny though when racing with John the last few laps, because it seemed like some people were cheering for both of us.
Great rides to ALL the Champions Sven, Don, Pete, Kelly, Andrea and others.
Way to go Jeff on the 2nd place, I was so glad to see you having fun and riding in your element. It was impressive.
Not sure what others are doing next season, but I'm staying in Masters 35+. Next year though I will be focused on Cross. Early plan is similar to last year with less focus on cross country races and more on endurance through June. Maybe head to Colorado for the Firecracker 50 in July and Start ramping up training in August for the Fall races(Rhonde, Grampian, P2P, Iceman) and Cyclo Cross. More to come as things finalize. More thanks and flash backs as well in the coming weeks. Thanks everyone and enjoy the ride.
The coarse was muddy and the temps were warm for December and my mind was ready to get it on. Got to the line late, because no one else heard the 10 minutes late start and now was 3rd row. Not good considering I wanted 3rd wheel going into the mud. After looking around I noticed Pete Thompson, Andy Weir? and Pat Russell had joined our group. That top 3 finish is looking more out of reach. Away we go.....
Into the mud I'm mid pack and worried about a crash. That doesn't happen but guys are all over, this doesn't make A. Weir happy and he makes a comment 'Guys are riding like a bunch of C racers'. I haven't checked the results yet so I hope he dropped done and won that championship earlier in the day. Down the first hill and soon off the bike and like Forest I am running. Past a few guys but still losing too much ground to the leaders (Pete is already gone). The field strung out quick, halfway through the first lap I have no clue on my position. What I did know is I was sinking in the mud. I foolishly tried to pedal through it and was losing even more time. I finally realized I should run more after Dan B. jogged by me on lap 2, I think. That was quicker, look at him go. I just kept riding and didn't know what lap I was on or how many were left. I do remember them saying 3 to go then I thought I heard the bell lap next time around? Not sure, maybe I was losing it mentally. I still had two laps left and knew I was out of the top 5, but Hilditch was behind me and Osgood and I were trading jabs. He would lead then me, back and forth for almost 2 laps. I didn't get away from him until the last half of the final lap. I raced hard and had fun. Finished 6th for Masters 35+ and 3rd 40-44. I have bragging rights on Osgood and Selle but was Bitch Slapped by the rest. Oh well, that's my fault.
The spectators were great and hearing the cheers around the coarse was awesome. I didn't realize that many people knew me. It felt great. It was funny though when racing with John the last few laps, because it seemed like some people were cheering for both of us.
Great rides to ALL the Champions Sven, Don, Pete, Kelly, Andrea and others.

Thank you DC for the support and advice this season. It will be put to work next year.You had a great year.
Congratulations to Simon for his series title and also Osgood and Johnson on rounding things out.
Sunday, November 20
Bloomer XC - More Than Results
Rolling up to the start I knew it was going to be a good, if not great, race. The morning went well and my nutrition was spot on. During the preride the legs had that effortless feeling and handling was comfortable. The only fly in the ointment was my cold. It's not bad but with the drainage and chapped lips I was worried about hydration, so I drank and drank right until the staging. 2 minutes to the whistle and I have too piss. I hold it and we get :30, GO!
Once again I have a bad start (I will be working on this over the next two weeks) and I'm mid pack heading toward the 'mulch pile'. Up and over I start picking off riders and get on the back of Selle right before the 's' curves toward the West end. Suddenly Ron Stack goes down from a rolled front tire? Not sure what he hit because it seemed like a odd spot. Selle 'T' bones him and I luckily miss it and now have clear track to the lead group of Johnson, Osgood, Bailey and Hilditch. I make contact on the downhill and we hit the climb together. The pace is fast, but seems manageable. Johnson is on the front and has a few bikes on the group but no one panics. Eventually we regroup then Osgood decides it's his turn to attack. He manages a gap of about 5-7 bikes then is slowly brought back. We end lap 2 still together. I'm still feeling good and want to move up from my 5th place in line but Jim is having none of it. Every time I come along side he digs that little harder and stays ahead, so I continue to follow. Up the velodrome hill and we make the right hand turn, Bailey attacks and I can see him gaping off the front. I react and bury myself to bridge the gap. It takes until the asphalt before the start/finish before I catch.
Going into lap 4 I'm with the move to win the race. I'm riding hard and feel I have a chance to hold on. I'm stuck to Simon and won't let him get a bike length, every once in a while I looks back to see if I'm still there. I am! 'GO Simon, hit him again' someone says. Still I hold on. I'm riding very hard and am doing all I can to stay with the accelerations that come out of every corner. Lap 4 ends and we get 2 to go. We make the 180 deg turn, hit the barriers and Simon is first to hit the gas. He quickly gets 3-4 bike lengths. I stand and bury myself again because I can't lose his wheel or I'm in trouble. By the time I hit the 'mulch pile' Simon is almost through and POP! I blowup, hit the fall, crab the bed. The power just left and I was in a panic. I quickly get caught by Johnson, Osgood and Hilditch. Osgood gives me a pep talk of 'Get on' and I try but I still haven't recovered enough. They pull away and all hope is lost until I notice Jeff Haney closing. I know it's now or never and as he passes I 'Get on'. He paces me through the rest of lap 5 and we get the bell lap. I lose 23 seconds to Simon and 19 to the others on that one lap. Ouch!
I get back on the podium train and try to catch my breath. That doesn't last because these guys are fighting for wood. There are 4 of us and only 2 steps left. Up the velodrome climb and back onto the grass when another surge comes and I can't react. They start to gap me off and I keep fighting and looking for anything I have left. There's not enough. By the time I reach the pavilion it's over. I sit up and pedal in for my 5th place.
Even though I wound up with a participation medal, instead of wood, I'm very happy with my race. I learned a lot and know I gave my all. I fought until the end and can be proud of that. I wasn't racing for anything but 1st place today, so I had to fire every bullet and see what happened. I'm looking forward to the State Championships and seeing how it all shakes out. No matter what happens next, it's been a great season already. Thanks.
Once again I have a bad start (I will be working on this over the next two weeks) and I'm mid pack heading toward the 'mulch pile'. Up and over I start picking off riders and get on the back of Selle right before the 's' curves toward the West end. Suddenly Ron Stack goes down from a rolled front tire? Not sure what he hit because it seemed like a odd spot. Selle 'T' bones him and I luckily miss it and now have clear track to the lead group of Johnson, Osgood, Bailey and Hilditch. I make contact on the downhill and we hit the climb together. The pace is fast, but seems manageable. Johnson is on the front and has a few bikes on the group but no one panics. Eventually we regroup then Osgood decides it's his turn to attack. He manages a gap of about 5-7 bikes then is slowly brought back. We end lap 2 still together. I'm still feeling good and want to move up from my 5th place in line but Jim is having none of it. Every time I come along side he digs that little harder and stays ahead, so I continue to follow. Up the velodrome hill and we make the right hand turn, Bailey attacks and I can see him gaping off the front. I react and bury myself to bridge the gap. It takes until the asphalt before the start/finish before I catch.
Going into lap 4 I'm with the move to win the race. I'm riding hard and feel I have a chance to hold on. I'm stuck to Simon and won't let him get a bike length, every once in a while I looks back to see if I'm still there. I am! 'GO Simon, hit him again' someone says. Still I hold on. I'm riding very hard and am doing all I can to stay with the accelerations that come out of every corner. Lap 4 ends and we get 2 to go. We make the 180 deg turn, hit the barriers and Simon is first to hit the gas. He quickly gets 3-4 bike lengths. I stand and bury myself again because I can't lose his wheel or I'm in trouble. By the time I hit the 'mulch pile' Simon is almost through and POP! I blowup, hit the fall, crab the bed. The power just left and I was in a panic. I quickly get caught by Johnson, Osgood and Hilditch. Osgood gives me a pep talk of 'Get on' and I try but I still haven't recovered enough. They pull away and all hope is lost until I notice Jeff Haney closing. I know it's now or never and as he passes I 'Get on'. He paces me through the rest of lap 5 and we get the bell lap. I lose 23 seconds to Simon and 19 to the others on that one lap. Ouch!
I get back on the podium train and try to catch my breath. That doesn't last because these guys are fighting for wood. There are 4 of us and only 2 steps left. Up the velodrome climb and back onto the grass when another surge comes and I can't react. They start to gap me off and I keep fighting and looking for anything I have left. There's not enough. By the time I reach the pavilion it's over. I sit up and pedal in for my 5th place.
Even though I wound up with a participation medal, instead of wood, I'm very happy with my race. I learned a lot and know I gave my all. I fought until the end and can be proud of that. I wasn't racing for anything but 1st place today, so I had to fire every bullet and see what happened. I'm looking forward to the State Championships and seeing how it all shakes out. No matter what happens next, it's been a great season already. Thanks.
Sunday, November 13
Stony Creek CX - FECAL
Leading into this week I had high hopes for this race. That didn't happen. Once again my race day excitement wasn't there when I woke up. I felt tired and lethargic. I was preregistered so off to the race I go. Maybe the warm up will wake me up and get the fire going. I began feeling better but not great and thought if my strategy would hold. The whistle blew and......
I'm mid pack down the front straight, but just behind Simon, so I feel good. I move past guys with Simon and feel confident. We hit the sand and are still together but Jim Hilditch is now between me and Simon. Towards the end of the sand Rich Stark rides past us and is now in the lead, Simon gets on his wheel but Jim and I can't make the jump. We get through the soft grass and are heading for the first set of barriers. I want to attack and try to close the gap but I don't feel good. I sit and wait to feel better. By the end of lap 1 I can see the race getting away so I attempt to pull Simon and Rich back. The effort lasts about a half lap, once past the first set of barriers I can tell the gap is going the wrong way. I keep going with hope that this feeling will go away and my body will wake the fuck up! I cross the line on lap 2 and I'm mentally and physically spent. My plans of a great race are all but gone.
Lap 3- I'm having some serious inner dialogue and considering throwing bin the towel. This lasts until I get past the sand. Once through I decide to keep going. Tactically I decide to slow up and wait for Jim to ride on. He catches at the start / finish and he leads me into lap 4.
Lap 4 and 5- Not only does he lead me into lap 4, pulls me the whole way. He looks back on occasion but I'm not going anywhere. Leading into lap 5 he wants me to pull through but it's not going to happen. Rob Selle isn't gaining any ground and the leaders are long gone. Jim decides to keep pulling. I can tell that I'm stronger through the sand having followed for last 2 laps, so on the last lap I need to be first into the sand and attack there. Jim reluctantly leads into the final lap. He puts in a charge and tries to drop me. We head towards the water and I'm stuck to his wheel. We make the horseshoe turn uphill and I put in the first attack. I come around him and hope for a gap, but I'm not looking back. I hit the sand and run all out. I remount and listen for the sound of Jim clipping in. I don't hear it but I keep going hard. Through the soft grass, up the hill and over the barriers. I make the out and back by the parking lot and can see my gap. I have him beat, now I just need to ride smart to the finish. Over the second set of barriers and onto the pavement for a disappointing 3rd.
Rite now I can't put together 2 strong weekends in a row. I had a great Mad Anthony / Bad Ann Arbor CX / great Iceman / Bad Stony CX. I'm not talking steps on a podium, I'm talking about how I felt. At Mad Anthony and Iceman I felt unbeatable. I could ride and nothing hurt, it wasn't easy but my legs and mind were relaxed. It seemed effortless. It was fun! Ann Arbor and Stony sucked. I was counting down the laps and I never felt comfortable on the bike. I was working for everything, it was the complete opposite. Now I need to figure out why because I still have Bloomer and Springfield and I'm not done winning races.
I'm mid pack down the front straight, but just behind Simon, so I feel good. I move past guys with Simon and feel confident. We hit the sand and are still together but Jim Hilditch is now between me and Simon. Towards the end of the sand Rich Stark rides past us and is now in the lead, Simon gets on his wheel but Jim and I can't make the jump. We get through the soft grass and are heading for the first set of barriers. I want to attack and try to close the gap but I don't feel good. I sit and wait to feel better. By the end of lap 1 I can see the race getting away so I attempt to pull Simon and Rich back. The effort lasts about a half lap, once past the first set of barriers I can tell the gap is going the wrong way. I keep going with hope that this feeling will go away and my body will wake the fuck up! I cross the line on lap 2 and I'm mentally and physically spent. My plans of a great race are all but gone.
Lap 3- I'm having some serious inner dialogue and considering throwing bin the towel. This lasts until I get past the sand. Once through I decide to keep going. Tactically I decide to slow up and wait for Jim to ride on. He catches at the start / finish and he leads me into lap 4.
Lap 4 and 5- Not only does he lead me into lap 4, pulls me the whole way. He looks back on occasion but I'm not going anywhere. Leading into lap 5 he wants me to pull through but it's not going to happen. Rob Selle isn't gaining any ground and the leaders are long gone. Jim decides to keep pulling. I can tell that I'm stronger through the sand having followed for last 2 laps, so on the last lap I need to be first into the sand and attack there. Jim reluctantly leads into the final lap. He puts in a charge and tries to drop me. We head towards the water and I'm stuck to his wheel. We make the horseshoe turn uphill and I put in the first attack. I come around him and hope for a gap, but I'm not looking back. I hit the sand and run all out. I remount and listen for the sound of Jim clipping in. I don't hear it but I keep going hard. Through the soft grass, up the hill and over the barriers. I make the out and back by the parking lot and can see my gap. I have him beat, now I just need to ride smart to the finish. Over the second set of barriers and onto the pavement for a disappointing 3rd.
Rite now I can't put together 2 strong weekends in a row. I had a great Mad Anthony / Bad Ann Arbor CX / great Iceman / Bad Stony CX. I'm not talking steps on a podium, I'm talking about how I felt. At Mad Anthony and Iceman I felt unbeatable. I could ride and nothing hurt, it wasn't easy but my legs and mind were relaxed. It seemed effortless. It was fun! Ann Arbor and Stony sucked. I was counting down the laps and I never felt comfortable on the bike. I was working for everything, it was the complete opposite. Now I need to figure out why because I still have Bloomer and Springfield and I'm not done winning races.
Monday, November 7
ICEMAN 2011 - Best One Yet
Another Niceman! So what if there wasn't snow and frozen ground. If you crave that do cross, you'll get your fill. I thought the weather and trail conditions were perfect. I couldn't wait to ride. Like last year, I did a pre ride from Williamsburg to the finish on Friday afternoon. The trail was FAST! It had great roll and the climbs were in great shape. The new sections of single track were way better than I could expect. I was feeling great and ready for Saturday mornings Wave 1 start.
Saturday- The 9:00 A.M. start meant it would still be cold. What to wear was a bit of a mystery, but after the warm up I was sure I made the correct choice of gear. I made it over to staging and found myself in row 4 or 5. This wasn't what I wanted. Looking around I saw some big time talent and was a bit intimidated. I also noticed a few familiar faces so I moved up a row and got behind Brad Lako and John Osgood. I've ridden and raced with them enough and felt this would be a good place to start. The National Anthem is done, the helmet is back on and it's GO TIME!
Away we go for the last XC race of the season. The pavement went well with no crashes and guys being smart. Once you make the left the speed ramps up as guys position for the dirt. We hit the two track and I'm about 30th. I notice Tom Clark and John Meyers off to my right, I need to get behind them and ride this train. The right line is moving faster and I can't get over. I'm getting restless but know I need to be patient, then it happens. On a small sand climb the group comes together and slows. I'm not sure what happened but it splits the group. The heard starts to thin and I'm moving forward, I'm riding smart and holding wheels. I think it's 4-5 miles in and Joberon comes around, Sweet! This guy will help get me to the front. I stay with Joe for the next 23 miles and we both do our share of work. We are catching guys and gaining positions. Somewhere around mile 12 we catch Rob Selle and when we do the pace suddenly slows way down. I was surprised but sat in and waited for the attack, because it had to come from someone. As I'm waiting Osgood joins us and asks what's going on. I say we're taking a break. (Selle, Joberon, Dan Krajcovic, Osgood) The group doesn't react so Osgood decides to push ahead. I follow and we are now coming along side the group leader Selle. Osgood pulls next to Selle but doesn't go by, he's feeling him out. I pull up, look over and decide to have some fun. "This is for bragging rights Bitches!" and I put in a pull. We catch another small group of 2-3 guys along the power lines and I remember that single track is at the end. I pull out of the pace line and put in a hard effort so I can be the first into the single track. I come out first and manage to drop Dan, Selle and Osgood. Joberon and 2 other guys are still with me. Our group works together past Williamsburg and doesn't fall apart until Joe sees his Bell's Bros Lummis and Meyers just before Annita's Hill. He ups the tempo and bridges the gap. I manage to tag along and we catch them. The pace settles and Joe sees how they are feeling. Lummis is spent but Meyers seems OK. We hit the IceBreaker and I move into the lead and try to get the pace up again. Up and over we see Tom Clark and Joe gets another burst of energy and wants to catch. It doesn't happen. I get stuck behind a guy with poor single track skills and Joe gaps me and crosses 10 seconds ahead. I roll in at 1:48:12, my best Iceman ever!
I was so excited. I broke 1:50:00 and had a great race. I didn't get the win I wanted and I could have done more, but I was nervous to blow up like I did last year. Also, I was riding with some smart guys and thought they knew something I didn't. I learned a lot and will be better prepared for next year. My 2nd / 2nd in a row so next year we need to move up to 1st. Congratulations to Tom Clark on his Win. John Osgood and Joe B for their 2nd places and everyone else for a great race. It was a great weekend. I still have to finish Cross season and hope for a couple more wins there, so stay tuned. This weekend is Stony Creek and some more sand.
Saturday- The 9:00 A.M. start meant it would still be cold. What to wear was a bit of a mystery, but after the warm up I was sure I made the correct choice of gear. I made it over to staging and found myself in row 4 or 5. This wasn't what I wanted. Looking around I saw some big time talent and was a bit intimidated. I also noticed a few familiar faces so I moved up a row and got behind Brad Lako and John Osgood. I've ridden and raced with them enough and felt this would be a good place to start. The National Anthem is done, the helmet is back on and it's GO TIME!
Away we go for the last XC race of the season. The pavement went well with no crashes and guys being smart. Once you make the left the speed ramps up as guys position for the dirt. We hit the two track and I'm about 30th. I notice Tom Clark and John Meyers off to my right, I need to get behind them and ride this train. The right line is moving faster and I can't get over. I'm getting restless but know I need to be patient, then it happens. On a small sand climb the group comes together and slows. I'm not sure what happened but it splits the group. The heard starts to thin and I'm moving forward, I'm riding smart and holding wheels. I think it's 4-5 miles in and Joberon comes around, Sweet! This guy will help get me to the front. I stay with Joe for the next 23 miles and we both do our share of work. We are catching guys and gaining positions. Somewhere around mile 12 we catch Rob Selle and when we do the pace suddenly slows way down. I was surprised but sat in and waited for the attack, because it had to come from someone. As I'm waiting Osgood joins us and asks what's going on. I say we're taking a break. (Selle, Joberon, Dan Krajcovic, Osgood) The group doesn't react so Osgood decides to push ahead. I follow and we are now coming along side the group leader Selle. Osgood pulls next to Selle but doesn't go by, he's feeling him out. I pull up, look over and decide to have some fun. "This is for bragging rights Bitches!" and I put in a pull. We catch another small group of 2-3 guys along the power lines and I remember that single track is at the end. I pull out of the pace line and put in a hard effort so I can be the first into the single track. I come out first and manage to drop Dan, Selle and Osgood. Joberon and 2 other guys are still with me. Our group works together past Williamsburg and doesn't fall apart until Joe sees his Bell's Bros Lummis and Meyers just before Annita's Hill. He ups the tempo and bridges the gap. I manage to tag along and we catch them. The pace settles and Joe sees how they are feeling. Lummis is spent but Meyers seems OK. We hit the IceBreaker and I move into the lead and try to get the pace up again. Up and over we see Tom Clark and Joe gets another burst of energy and wants to catch. It doesn't happen. I get stuck behind a guy with poor single track skills and Joe gaps me and crosses 10 seconds ahead. I roll in at 1:48:12, my best Iceman ever!
I was so excited. I broke 1:50:00 and had a great race. I didn't get the win I wanted and I could have done more, but I was nervous to blow up like I did last year. Also, I was riding with some smart guys and thought they knew something I didn't. I learned a lot and will be better prepared for next year. My 2nd / 2nd in a row so next year we need to move up to 1st. Congratulations to Tom Clark on his Win. John Osgood and Joe B for their 2nd places and everyone else for a great race. It was a great weekend. I still have to finish Cross season and hope for a couple more wins there, so stay tuned. This weekend is Stony Creek and some more sand.
ICEman 2011- Just my numbers..
2nd Place Men 40
$125.00 award
119th Overall
Full Report Later...............
Sunday, October 30
Vets Park Day 2 - Better
Day 2 started better from the moment I got out of bed. I felt rested and looser. Got to the race in plenty of time for the normal prep. I was feeling much better than yesterday, but still could tell something was off with my power. During the preride my thighs felt heavy on the climb and run up. The rest of the coarse things felt good. The plan going in today was to stay with the leaders and feel out the first two laps. If I was feeling strong the attack was coming on the climb during lap 3. If I could get a gap here there was little time before the Start / Finish to recover and pull me back. The plan didn't get tested. The whistle blew and David Johnson grabbed the whole shot and kept the pressure on. He quickly got a good gap and never looked back. The race was on for the remaining two steps. Osgood, Bailey, Hilditch and I roll through lap 1 together.
Lap 2 Osgood makes the first attempt to pull make Johnson. He attacks past Bailey and puts in a great turn of the pedals, but Simon reacts and brings us back together. All 4 of us hit the climb, then the barriers, but something happens to Bailey and Hilditch? I find myself chasing Osgood and possibly a spot on the wood. I manage to catch John and we start lap 3 together.
Lap 3 I have a small bobble and this is when things head backwards. Going through the 'S' curves, at the start of the lap, I take a tighter line than John and find myself heading for the side of his rear wheel. I have to check my speed and loose momentum at the wrong time. He stands to crest the climb and I am suddenly back 4-5 bike lengths. This gap stays consistent until we hit the back climb and run up. Osgood is stronger and starts gaining ground. I try and bring him back for the next 2 laps, but the gap keeps stretching a little bit each lap.
Lap 6 I'm really starting to feel tired and drained. My lead on Bailey is starting to shrink. The climb and run up are costing me a lot of time. By the time we round the registration area Bailey is on my wheel and makes the pass before we hit the off camber downhill. This is my moment in this race. Osgood is to far to catch. I stick with Bailey all the way to the climb. One corner, two corners, three corners I'm still on his wheel. The climb straightens out and he stands to keep the pressure on. It works and I can't react. He hits the barriers about 10 yds ahead, maybe I can catch? I bury myself up the climb and remount, but have another bobble. I have to get off and run for some momentum and remount. I stand and dig. I round the registration building and hit the last climb with Bailey just getting to the top making the turn. I still feel hope. Maybe he'll was out on the down hill? Nope. Seeing he made it safely to the bottom I felt it was done. I coast down and soft pedal to the finish.
It was another great race today. I just didn't have enough. There are still 3 CX races to go so the work isn't done. Congratulations to David Johnson for the win. John Osgood and Simon Bailey for two days on the wood. Jim Hilditch for making the jump up. Tom Clark for the ride both days. Teammate Shaun for cheering me on. Brad Lako for also cheering and holding my stuff. Next weekend is Iceman. It's no secret what my goal is, so let's do it!
Lap 2 Osgood makes the first attempt to pull make Johnson. He attacks past Bailey and puts in a great turn of the pedals, but Simon reacts and brings us back together. All 4 of us hit the climb, then the barriers, but something happens to Bailey and Hilditch? I find myself chasing Osgood and possibly a spot on the wood. I manage to catch John and we start lap 3 together.
Lap 3 I have a small bobble and this is when things head backwards. Going through the 'S' curves, at the start of the lap, I take a tighter line than John and find myself heading for the side of his rear wheel. I have to check my speed and loose momentum at the wrong time. He stands to crest the climb and I am suddenly back 4-5 bike lengths. This gap stays consistent until we hit the back climb and run up. Osgood is stronger and starts gaining ground. I try and bring him back for the next 2 laps, but the gap keeps stretching a little bit each lap.
Lap 6 I'm really starting to feel tired and drained. My lead on Bailey is starting to shrink. The climb and run up are costing me a lot of time. By the time we round the registration area Bailey is on my wheel and makes the pass before we hit the off camber downhill. This is my moment in this race. Osgood is to far to catch. I stick with Bailey all the way to the climb. One corner, two corners, three corners I'm still on his wheel. The climb straightens out and he stands to keep the pressure on. It works and I can't react. He hits the barriers about 10 yds ahead, maybe I can catch? I bury myself up the climb and remount, but have another bobble. I have to get off and run for some momentum and remount. I stand and dig. I round the registration building and hit the last climb with Bailey just getting to the top making the turn. I still feel hope. Maybe he'll was out on the down hill? Nope. Seeing he made it safely to the bottom I felt it was done. I coast down and soft pedal to the finish.
It was another great race today. I just didn't have enough. There are still 3 CX races to go so the work isn't done. Congratulations to David Johnson for the win. John Osgood and Simon Bailey for two days on the wood. Jim Hilditch for making the jump up. Tom Clark for the ride both days. Teammate Shaun for cheering me on. Brad Lako for also cheering and holding my stuff. Next weekend is Iceman. It's no secret what my goal is, so let's do it!
Vets Park Day 1 - Poor
Poor planning, poor handling and poor motivation. This would sum up my morning and afternoon. I had a 8 a.m. meeting so leaving early wasn't going to happen. I finally rolled out the drive around 9:45 and was on my way. Now I was wondering when the U of M football traffic would come. It did, about 7 miles from the exit. Park the car, get registered and the bell lap is being signalled for the 'B' race. Finished getting dressed and have a lap and a half warm up (not enough). During the preride I wasn't feeling bad, just not snappy and awake. The ride seemed to take effort and I wasn't comfortable, relaxed. Maybe it will clear when the whistle blows? It didn't.
From that whistle until the finish it was poor sailing. I was dead last into the first corner and now had to waste energy, I wasn't feeling, to catch the leaders. Over the first set of barriers my bike hits the first wall and throws my rhythm off. My foot clips the second and luckily I stay up. The bike is down, but now I can't seem to lock my foot in. WTF! We round the tennis courts and head for the 'S' climb. David Johnson goes down and it bottles up for a moment. The leaders have a gap! I was behind Johnson and thought this would be a good spot. He's strong and will pull these guys back. That didn't happen. I sat on too long waiting for him to go. On lap 4 I decided to try and bridge up, but I was to far back. The leaders were riding great and slowing. Way to race guys. Congratulations to Simon on the Win and Johnny O for staying in there.
Today the plan is different. The coarse is different and I hope my body feels different. I'll know in 5 hours.
From that whistle until the finish it was poor sailing. I was dead last into the first corner and now had to waste energy, I wasn't feeling, to catch the leaders. Over the first set of barriers my bike hits the first wall and throws my rhythm off. My foot clips the second and luckily I stay up. The bike is down, but now I can't seem to lock my foot in. WTF! We round the tennis courts and head for the 'S' climb. David Johnson goes down and it bottles up for a moment. The leaders have a gap! I was behind Johnson and thought this would be a good spot. He's strong and will pull these guys back. That didn't happen. I sat on too long waiting for him to go. On lap 4 I decided to try and bridge up, but I was to far back. The leaders were riding great and slowing. Way to race guys. Congratulations to Simon on the Win and Johnny O for staying in there.
Today the plan is different. The coarse is different and I hope my body feels different. I'll know in 5 hours.
Sunday, October 23
Mad Anthony - Could I Repeat?
Last year, this race is were my CX season turned around. Racing in the B class, it was my first Cross win. Could I do it again? The race would be 60 minutes vs 45 and with most of the top Tailwind Series guys in the house I had my work cut out. David Johnson was the only one not there. While doing my warm up I noticed Jim Hilditch in the B's, so I was wondering why he moved back down after racing Linden in Masters. Then at staging I saw Simon Bailey was racing up with A's. That left Rob Selle and John Osgood as the ones to watch.
Lap 1 was quick but not blistering. I'm not sure how big the group was but I know we were at least 5 deep. Adam Naish was even in the mix on his rigid mtb. On lap 2 along the grass straight, just after the sandbags, Adam was falling back slightly from the leaders of Selle, Osgood and Auger? I moved around and pulled them back. We all entered the Fort together. While going up the pavers climb, Osgood seemed off. I pulled along side and tried for the pass, but it didn't stick. I got back in line and we finished lap 2, Selle, Osgood, Auger then me.
Lap 3 we are going well and keeping a strong tempo. There's a wait and see feeling until we hit the long asphalt straight. Tom Burke suddenly appears and comes around us? He must have missed his start or had a mechanical. Selle puts in a surge and gets on his wheel. Osgood and I react and make the move. We hit the grass and are heading for the soccer field climb. The pace is still high as we hit the climb, Selle is determined to stay with Burke as long as possible. Osgood weakens on the climb and I make my move around. Now on Selle's wheel I wait to see if he can hold Burke? He begins loosing ground about halfway across the grass ridge towards the river. I'm feeling strong and decide this is it. I need to try and get on Burke's wheel and crack these guys. I put in a surge all the way around the soccer fields, but don't know if I made a gap. As I'm winding through the tape before the moat I hear people cheering Osgood and Selle, I take a quick look and think I have about 5-8 sec. I never look back. I hit the moat and give another surge, tying to maximize my lead before we enter the fort. Once inside I can see my lead is holding and I need to keep the pressure on. Lap 3 is done, know I need to hold on.
Laps 4 and 5 are more like time trials. I manage to catch some A riders on the long grass and asphalt and use them for some relief against the head wind, but I can't get to comfortable because they are still chasing from behind. Once inside the fort on lap 5 I saw my gap had grown. I didn't see anyone come through the tunnel before heading up the pavers climb. Then it happened.....I dropped my chain over the barriers. I tried getting on by hand first, then decided to pedal it on. It seemed like forever before it was fixed and the next climbs was a grind having lost all momentum. Completing the lap I saw Selle and Osgood on the out back. I was getting worried.
Lap 6 and 7 are about holding the lead, trying to ride smart and hit my marks on the coarse. My lines were working great and my handling was feeling very comfortable. Going into the wind on the grass and asphalt I focused on riding a strong tempo without blowing up. Hit the climb spinning and ride across the ridge hard. More tempo until the fort, then ride smooth. It worked out and I held on for 1st. It felt great!
This picture is of the 10-14 Junior racers. They had HEART! Both finished, but I wasn't sure that would be the case. The kid in the red was near tears on the last lap when we saw him on our pre ride. Tom Clark and Rob Selle were great talking to him and offering to help him finish. He managed to do it on his own though. Awsome!
Thanks to everyone for the congratulations. I hope it goes like last year and this is just the beginning. Next week is Vets Park, so we don't have long to wait.
Lap 1 was quick but not blistering. I'm not sure how big the group was but I know we were at least 5 deep. Adam Naish was even in the mix on his rigid mtb. On lap 2 along the grass straight, just after the sandbags, Adam was falling back slightly from the leaders of Selle, Osgood and Auger? I moved around and pulled them back. We all entered the Fort together. While going up the pavers climb, Osgood seemed off. I pulled along side and tried for the pass, but it didn't stick. I got back in line and we finished lap 2, Selle, Osgood, Auger then me.
Lap 3 we are going well and keeping a strong tempo. There's a wait and see feeling until we hit the long asphalt straight. Tom Burke suddenly appears and comes around us? He must have missed his start or had a mechanical. Selle puts in a surge and gets on his wheel. Osgood and I react and make the move. We hit the grass and are heading for the soccer field climb. The pace is still high as we hit the climb, Selle is determined to stay with Burke as long as possible. Osgood weakens on the climb and I make my move around. Now on Selle's wheel I wait to see if he can hold Burke? He begins loosing ground about halfway across the grass ridge towards the river. I'm feeling strong and decide this is it. I need to try and get on Burke's wheel and crack these guys. I put in a surge all the way around the soccer fields, but don't know if I made a gap. As I'm winding through the tape before the moat I hear people cheering Osgood and Selle, I take a quick look and think I have about 5-8 sec. I never look back. I hit the moat and give another surge, tying to maximize my lead before we enter the fort. Once inside I can see my lead is holding and I need to keep the pressure on. Lap 3 is done, know I need to hold on.
Laps 4 and 5 are more like time trials. I manage to catch some A riders on the long grass and asphalt and use them for some relief against the head wind, but I can't get to comfortable because they are still chasing from behind. Once inside the fort on lap 5 I saw my gap had grown. I didn't see anyone come through the tunnel before heading up the pavers climb. Then it happened.....I dropped my chain over the barriers. I tried getting on by hand first, then decided to pedal it on. It seemed like forever before it was fixed and the next climbs was a grind having lost all momentum. Completing the lap I saw Selle and Osgood on the out back. I was getting worried.
Lap 6 and 7 are about holding the lead, trying to ride smart and hit my marks on the coarse. My lines were working great and my handling was feeling very comfortable. Going into the wind on the grass and asphalt I focused on riding a strong tempo without blowing up. Hit the climb spinning and ride across the ridge hard. More tempo until the fort, then ride smooth. It worked out and I held on for 1st. It felt great!
This picture is of the 10-14 Junior racers. They had HEART! Both finished, but I wasn't sure that would be the case. The kid in the red was near tears on the last lap when we saw him on our pre ride. Tom Clark and Rob Selle were great talking to him and offering to help him finish. He managed to do it on his own though. Awsome!
Thanks to everyone for the congratulations. I hope it goes like last year and this is just the beginning. Next week is Vets Park, so we don't have long to wait.
Wednesday, October 19
P2P - A Tough Afternoon
Going into the weekend I had high hopes. I knew the competition would be tough and meeting certain goals would be even tougher. There are different racers and the field is deeper. I had a good pre-ride the day before and slept well, but was missing the overall excitement of race day. I spent the morning in my room, waiting for the rain to end, watching HBO and slowly getting ready for the 12:34 P.M. start. I got on the bike around noon and slowly warmed up. I felt good and was happy with how my legs felt. 12:25 and time to head over for staging. The start time is pushed back 15:00 minutes, so more spinning. Finally get in the shoot and position in the second row behind Rob Selle and next to Tim Collins. Both ride for Main Street Bicycles and consistently finish faster than me, so I figured if I wanted a podium I better stick with them for as long as possible. The whistle blows and so it begins.
Tim has a tough time clipping in and pinches me over, I lose Rob's wheel and get shuffled back slightly. Heading up the cart path I'm about 8-10th and feel relaxed. Only one guy is off the front and nobody is bringing him back. The group is about 6-8 strong and heading for the sand. Moves start quickly on the wider trail, as some guys slow a bit and others position themselves for the single track. I stay with the moves and enter the single track in about 5-6th. The trail is clear of leaves, but it's damp, muddy and slow. You have to work for every pedal stroke. There is little roll and it feels like a false flat. Midway through this section we start catching 30-39 experts and the leaders are able to make a pass that I can't. They slowly pull away and I wounder if I can pull them back.
Climbing out of the valley I have clear trail and try to bridge back. I'm moving well and passing riders about every half mile. Entering the 'Pines' runway I hear a group behind, so I pull over and let them through. It's lead by Tim and is about 5 guys strong. I get on the tail end and stay in line until we reach the 'Climb'. The group gets a small gap, but I stay calm and ride my own pace. I catch by the top and follow Tim across the Start / Finish for the completion of lap 1.
The first 3rd of Lap 2 was spent behind Tim. He was keeping a great pace and I was happy to be holding. He pulled Rob Selle back and they started working together. I stayed 3rd wheel, but this didn't last, once up the valley climb Tim called for me to pull. I told them I'm trying but the pace is high. Rob gives me a slap and it's my turn. I pull until we hit about 2 miles to go. I take a bad line around the S curve sand pit and they pull through. I drop about 8 bike lengths and try to get back. It never happens. Going up the 'Climb' I get within 20 yards of Tim, but can't close the gap. Tim and Rob start lap 3 at 7 seconds ahead.
I realize if I don't catch them quick I'm in trouble. I give chase and dig deep. They are within site, but I still can't close. I hit the sand, the wind hits me and I realize they are pulling away. My legs are losing power and I start wondering about conserving my race. I tell myself that everyone is hurting, keep going, don't stop. I'm singing Rocket Man and trying not to think about what's left. I'm cracking! I'm still catching riders and not getting past, but I feel alone. Through the 'Pine' runway one last time and a rider passes. One more effort as I hold on for a mile. Pop! He's gone. I cross the asphalt and I'm heading for the last 'Climb'. I cramp on the teaser and have to run up. I'm spent and try to get motivated for one last bit of pain. I turn right and instantly find the easiest gear. Only 1/3rd they way up and I can barely pedal. I hit the steeper section and jump off, as I do Mike Seaman passes. I slowly run and try to stay with him. I hold on until 150' from the final descent. He surges ahead, no reaction from me, I just want to finish. I have nothing left. My final lap was a 50:15. 5 minutes slower than lap 2. It cost me 2 places.
This race has always been tough for me. I will keep coming back until I feel I have won. It's more than a result. I don't feel like I have ever had a complete race at Peak 2 Peak. Next up, it's back to Cross and Mad Anthony!
Tim has a tough time clipping in and pinches me over, I lose Rob's wheel and get shuffled back slightly. Heading up the cart path I'm about 8-10th and feel relaxed. Only one guy is off the front and nobody is bringing him back. The group is about 6-8 strong and heading for the sand. Moves start quickly on the wider trail, as some guys slow a bit and others position themselves for the single track. I stay with the moves and enter the single track in about 5-6th. The trail is clear of leaves, but it's damp, muddy and slow. You have to work for every pedal stroke. There is little roll and it feels like a false flat. Midway through this section we start catching 30-39 experts and the leaders are able to make a pass that I can't. They slowly pull away and I wounder if I can pull them back.
Climbing out of the valley I have clear trail and try to bridge back. I'm moving well and passing riders about every half mile. Entering the 'Pines' runway I hear a group behind, so I pull over and let them through. It's lead by Tim and is about 5 guys strong. I get on the tail end and stay in line until we reach the 'Climb'. The group gets a small gap, but I stay calm and ride my own pace. I catch by the top and follow Tim across the Start / Finish for the completion of lap 1.
The first 3rd of Lap 2 was spent behind Tim. He was keeping a great pace and I was happy to be holding. He pulled Rob Selle back and they started working together. I stayed 3rd wheel, but this didn't last, once up the valley climb Tim called for me to pull. I told them I'm trying but the pace is high. Rob gives me a slap and it's my turn. I pull until we hit about 2 miles to go. I take a bad line around the S curve sand pit and they pull through. I drop about 8 bike lengths and try to get back. It never happens. Going up the 'Climb' I get within 20 yards of Tim, but can't close the gap. Tim and Rob start lap 3 at 7 seconds ahead.
I realize if I don't catch them quick I'm in trouble. I give chase and dig deep. They are within site, but I still can't close. I hit the sand, the wind hits me and I realize they are pulling away. My legs are losing power and I start wondering about conserving my race. I tell myself that everyone is hurting, keep going, don't stop. I'm singing Rocket Man and trying not to think about what's left. I'm cracking! I'm still catching riders and not getting past, but I feel alone. Through the 'Pine' runway one last time and a rider passes. One more effort as I hold on for a mile. Pop! He's gone. I cross the asphalt and I'm heading for the last 'Climb'. I cramp on the teaser and have to run up. I'm spent and try to get motivated for one last bit of pain. I turn right and instantly find the easiest gear. Only 1/3rd they way up and I can barely pedal. I hit the steeper section and jump off, as I do Mike Seaman passes. I slowly run and try to stay with him. I hold on until 150' from the final descent. He surges ahead, no reaction from me, I just want to finish. I have nothing left. My final lap was a 50:15. 5 minutes slower than lap 2. It cost me 2 places.
This race has always been tough for me. I will keep coming back until I feel I have won. It's more than a result. I don't feel like I have ever had a complete race at Peak 2 Peak. Next up, it's back to Cross and Mad Anthony!
Sunday, October 9
12 Hours of Addison
This weekend was my first 12 hour event. I was part of a 4 man Elite / Open team. The members were myself, Tom (Jeff) Payn, Jay Click and Jim Bonnell. We had a strong team and were hoping for some competition. Unfortunately that didn't happen. We were the only team in the category! This didn't keep us from riding hard though. We decided on some team goals and internal competition.
The first goal was 26 laps. The second was how many sub 28:00 laps could each of us complete. I managed the following lap times- 27:46, 27:43, 28:15, XX? forgot to set Garmin, 59:31 for final 2 laps. Jay Click was the victor with at least 4 sub 28:00 laps and one almost broke 47:00 at 47:05! Crazy! I think Jim had the fastest combined night laps though. Tom brought it home with the anchor laps and sealed the 26th lap. It was a fun time and I enjoyed talking with everyone. Thanks to those who came out to say hello. Thanks to Brent for putting these events on. Thanks to Keith and Paint Creek Bicycles for Sponsoring.
Next year there won't be a 6/12 of Addison, instead it will be a 8 Hour daylight event. Maybe a solo effort will be attempted?
Next race is Peak 2 Peak. I've done it the past 4 years and haven't had a great race yet. My best finish was a 7th in 09. I'm aiming for wood and won't be happy with anything below 3rd. I know it won't be easy with the talent that shows up, but I have the ability. Let's hope this is the year.

Next year there won't be a 6/12 of Addison, instead it will be a 8 Hour daylight event. Maybe a solo effort will be attempted?
Next race is Peak 2 Peak. I've done it the past 4 years and haven't had a great race yet. My best finish was a 7th in 09. I'm aiming for wood and won't be happy with anything below 3rd. I know it won't be easy with the talent that shows up, but I have the ability. Let's hope this is the year.
Sunday, October 2
Grampian Challenge
A cold, windy morning is what we had for the first Grampian Challenge start at Addison Oaks.
I hadn't ridden since last weeks Rhonde and was feeling tight and tired. I arrived early and breezed through registration, then suited up for a 20-30 minute warm-up. I felt good, but not great. The legs were turning over well, but the power seemed labored. Maybe I just needed some racing motivation to get things going.
I lined up 2nd row behind my teammate Clint Verran. After a quick look around I noticed we had a different group than last weeks Rhonde. Some must be going to the Munson CX, Crybaby or resting up for the Brooksie. Any how, we are off and racing for the next 40'ish miles. The coarse starts on the traditional crosscountry route, but then transfers to 2 track grass after the initial climb. What would become the lead group, is already creating some daylight. Guys are moving forward and back, trying to find there comfort level and a group they can ride with. I manage to exit Addison with a strong group of 6-7. (Adam Naish, Tom Clark, Jim Colflesh, Jim Bonnell and Mike Dega) This group would stay together almost the entire race.
After a short ride down Winkler we turn West on Drahner and start a series of climbs up to Lake George. We can see the lead group and they have about a minute on us already. No big attempt comes to bridge, instead just good tempo and work by 2-3 guys. We make the turn South on Lake George and keep working together. The roads are very wet and muddy, but rolling well. (This is how conditions would be for most of the day.) We turn into the Bald Mountain Trails and some want to be upfront, so we have a bit of bumping and passing. The trail is slick, rooted and slow going. A couple crashes, near crashes and two wheel slides. The group exits the single track together and we are dirt roads again.
Climbing North, up Lake George, Jim Bonnell asks me how I'm doing. "So, so...It comes and goes" I was feeling better, but not great. I wasn't comfortable for sustained periods of time. Mentally I was thinking we have a long race left and will I hold on. Heading towards Markwood I was preparing for the first attack. Markwood is a deceptive climb. It starts of with well packed dirt at a shallow grade then slowly steepens and changes to gravel. About 2/3rds of the way up it's pure gravel and steep. It exits onto Drahner (Grampian Climb) and continues climbing to the highest point in Oakland County. The attack doesn't come? Instead another hard tempo and we hold together. A fast descent and across Lakeville to the Polly Anne Trail.
Once on the Polly Anne, Adam Naish organized a paceline. It wasn't the prettiest thing, but we held it together and made it to Curtis. We are now 20 miles in and things stay the same for the next 15 miles of dirt roads. Each of us takes our turn in the front and on occasion a hard effort gets a small gap, but no one wants to blow the group apart yet. Mile 35 changes that. We are crossing Lakeville Rd and staring up the 'ski hill'.
The 'ski hill' is private property and virgin trail for all. You start by riding through the 500-600 foot parking lot then up single track. This is were my race fell apart. Adam and Tommy were leading us, followed by Jim C, Jim B, 2 guys from O2 then me. We also started catching some 20 mile racers on the climb, which luckily didn't cause any problems for us. All the way up the climb our group was breaking apart and I kept sliding back. I got stuck a couple times. Once by a guy who had tire spin and went down, then again by a slower climber. That's racing, but the gap grew. I could see Adam, Tommy and the two Jims ahead while going down the service road and thought maybe they would regroup and not hammer up Drahner. They turned up Drahner for the last time and I was 20-30 seconds back.
37 miles, 2:18:00 minutes in and one BIG climb left. I saw the group ahead crest Drahner. I could see them making the left hand turn on the descent, but that would be it. I dug deep and tried to catch. I'm coming to the Lake George intersection and can see the volunteer. I'm 150' away when he gives me the big hand to STOP! I break and slow, but thankfully no complete stop. The car passes and I'm back on the gas. Right hand turn into Addison for some added single track.

I lined up 2nd row behind my teammate Clint Verran. After a quick look around I noticed we had a different group than last weeks Rhonde. Some must be going to the Munson CX, Crybaby or resting up for the Brooksie. Any how, we are off and racing for the next 40'ish miles. The coarse starts on the traditional crosscountry route, but then transfers to 2 track grass after the initial climb. What would become the lead group, is already creating some daylight. Guys are moving forward and back, trying to find there comfort level and a group they can ride with. I manage to exit Addison with a strong group of 6-7. (Adam Naish, Tom Clark, Jim Colflesh, Jim Bonnell and Mike Dega) This group would stay together almost the entire race.
After a short ride down Winkler we turn West on Drahner and start a series of climbs up to Lake George. We can see the lead group and they have about a minute on us already. No big attempt comes to bridge, instead just good tempo and work by 2-3 guys. We make the turn South on Lake George and keep working together. The roads are very wet and muddy, but rolling well. (This is how conditions would be for most of the day.) We turn into the Bald Mountain Trails and some want to be upfront, so we have a bit of bumping and passing. The trail is slick, rooted and slow going. A couple crashes, near crashes and two wheel slides. The group exits the single track together and we are dirt roads again.
Climbing North, up Lake George, Jim Bonnell asks me how I'm doing. "So, so...It comes and goes" I was feeling better, but not great. I wasn't comfortable for sustained periods of time. Mentally I was thinking we have a long race left and will I hold on. Heading towards Markwood I was preparing for the first attack. Markwood is a deceptive climb. It starts of with well packed dirt at a shallow grade then slowly steepens and changes to gravel. About 2/3rds of the way up it's pure gravel and steep. It exits onto Drahner (Grampian Climb) and continues climbing to the highest point in Oakland County. The attack doesn't come? Instead another hard tempo and we hold together. A fast descent and across Lakeville to the Polly Anne Trail.
Once on the Polly Anne, Adam Naish organized a paceline. It wasn't the prettiest thing, but we held it together and made it to Curtis. We are now 20 miles in and things stay the same for the next 15 miles of dirt roads. Each of us takes our turn in the front and on occasion a hard effort gets a small gap, but no one wants to blow the group apart yet. Mile 35 changes that. We are crossing Lakeville Rd and staring up the 'ski hill'.
The 'ski hill' is private property and virgin trail for all. You start by riding through the 500-600 foot parking lot then up single track. This is were my race fell apart. Adam and Tommy were leading us, followed by Jim C, Jim B, 2 guys from O2 then me. We also started catching some 20 mile racers on the climb, which luckily didn't cause any problems for us. All the way up the climb our group was breaking apart and I kept sliding back. I got stuck a couple times. Once by a guy who had tire spin and went down, then again by a slower climber. That's racing, but the gap grew. I could see Adam, Tommy and the two Jims ahead while going down the service road and thought maybe they would regroup and not hammer up Drahner. They turned up Drahner for the last time and I was 20-30 seconds back.
37 miles, 2:18:00 minutes in and one BIG climb left. I saw the group ahead crest Drahner. I could see them making the left hand turn on the descent, but that would be it. I dug deep and tried to catch. I'm coming to the Lake George intersection and can see the volunteer. I'm 150' away when he gives me the big hand to STOP! I break and slow, but thankfully no complete stop. The car passes and I'm back on the gas. Right hand turn into Addison for some added single track.
The trails are slick and my goal is catch who I can. I manage to improve 2 more spots before reaching the finish line.
It was a tough race and I had a great time. The group of guys I was with worked well together and made the day that much more enjoyable. Thanks to Tommy, Adam, Jim, Jim and Mike.
Thanks to those who put on the Grampian and thanks for the glass. Next up is the 12 Hours of Addison Oaks. I've never done a 12 hr. before so let's see what happens. .
Sunday, September 25
Potpourri (Rhonde van Stony)
This was my first, but not last, Rhonde. I knew the roads, most of the trails and a few of the players. I was given some bike and tactical advice by some of last years participants, so I was ready for the 9 a.m. start.
Racing in the expert 40-49 group meant lining up behind the elite group. This quickly blended together on the roll out and there was no distinction between anybody. The left hand turn onto the dirt reminded me of Iceman, as it shortly turned into two track. We are now on the trolley trail and the lead group is gone! The conditions are great. The previous nights rain packed the sand perfectly. I decide to follow the KLM train and hope I don't lose contact. Some riders are trying too hard and several crashes and overshot corners leave us moving forward. We pop out of the woods and hit the pavement. There are a few small groups ahead and we try and close the gaps before we hit the dirt roads. We succeed and the second group starts to take shape. By the time we turn North on Sheldon there are 15-20 guys. The roads are dry and fast, so the group speeds forward. About 5-6 guys take turns pacelining in the front while the rest sit-on. We turn North on Mt. Vernon still taking turns for another mile or so, when a ACF rider decides to attack on a small climb. It's easily brought back, but now the fight is to stay up towards the front. The pavement is about to end and things get rough.
Back on the dirt (mud) guys are fighting for wheels the next 200-300 yds. There are pot holes and the road is a muddy mess. There are two tire tracks that offer some smoother riding, but making any passes or changing grooves was sketchy. Conditions didn't improve for 2-3 miles until we hit Dequindre. The pack is on dryer roads and still holding together. Small attacks come of the front, but nothing sticks. By now the same faces are in the front of the pack and guys want to thin things out. We turn West down Taft and the first hard effoert comes from Kelly of KLM. He goes for about a minute or two then waves me through. I keep tempo until the 'climb', when Armando Vega and an ACF rider launch a hard attack. I manage to stay on and we crest the climb, decend past Dequindre, when Todd F. of KLM goes to the front and forces another hard tempo. He said," Let's Go! there's a split and we have five guys." He pulls, then it's Armando's turn. He didn't seem motivated or perhaps was tired from the previous attack, so I pull through. The road turns to soft, muck. It feels like you have a flat or someone is holding on. I search for a line up the left and keep going. I'm waiting for others to pass, but nobody does. I see the turn South and keep going. It's another minute before 4-5 guys pull around. I get in line and wait.
Heading South on Dequindre it's more of the same. Someone rides off and he gets pulled. This goes on until we pass 31 mile. A O2 rider goes and gets a good gap. Selle chaces and I get on his wheel. He pulls then it's my turn. It takes a while and help from others but he's brought back on Rush. The miles are whinding down and a few more attempts are made but the pack stays together. The pack is now bombing down Sheldon and guys keep launching off the front in hopes of being first into the two track at Stony.
We enter Stony and I'm sitting 8-10th in the group. I get by several guys in the next mile and I'm now 4th. Selle is yelling to keep speed for the climb that's coming. We make a turn right and I hit a large puddle. I make a good save and stay up, but the momentum is gone for the hill. They gap off about 30-40 yds. I can see them and give chase. I make another tactical mistake. While on the two track paralleling Sheldon I don't close the gap. I sit behind Armando thinking he will. A guy from ACF goes around us and makes contact in the single track before Sheldon. We turn on Sheldon and Armando has nothing left. I dig deep and try to bridge the gap, but I can't catch. I see them hit the grass at Baypoint and lose hope. I think the finish is a few hundred yards away. I let up too early. Not saying I would have caught them, but not knowing the finish was another mistake.
I had a great race. I learned somethings and believe I finished second in category. Final results aren't in yet. Thanks to Mike for putting this on. See you at Grampian.
Racing in the expert 40-49 group meant lining up behind the elite group. This quickly blended together on the roll out and there was no distinction between anybody. The left hand turn onto the dirt reminded me of Iceman, as it shortly turned into two track. We are now on the trolley trail and the lead group is gone! The conditions are great. The previous nights rain packed the sand perfectly. I decide to follow the KLM train and hope I don't lose contact. Some riders are trying too hard and several crashes and overshot corners leave us moving forward. We pop out of the woods and hit the pavement. There are a few small groups ahead and we try and close the gaps before we hit the dirt roads. We succeed and the second group starts to take shape. By the time we turn North on Sheldon there are 15-20 guys. The roads are dry and fast, so the group speeds forward. About 5-6 guys take turns pacelining in the front while the rest sit-on. We turn North on Mt. Vernon still taking turns for another mile or so, when a ACF rider decides to attack on a small climb. It's easily brought back, but now the fight is to stay up towards the front. The pavement is about to end and things get rough.
Back on the dirt (mud) guys are fighting for wheels the next 200-300 yds. There are pot holes and the road is a muddy mess. There are two tire tracks that offer some smoother riding, but making any passes or changing grooves was sketchy. Conditions didn't improve for 2-3 miles until we hit Dequindre. The pack is on dryer roads and still holding together. Small attacks come of the front, but nothing sticks. By now the same faces are in the front of the pack and guys want to thin things out. We turn West down Taft and the first hard effoert comes from Kelly of KLM. He goes for about a minute or two then waves me through. I keep tempo until the 'climb', when Armando Vega and an ACF rider launch a hard attack. I manage to stay on and we crest the climb, decend past Dequindre, when Todd F. of KLM goes to the front and forces another hard tempo. He said," Let's Go! there's a split and we have five guys." He pulls, then it's Armando's turn. He didn't seem motivated or perhaps was tired from the previous attack, so I pull through. The road turns to soft, muck. It feels like you have a flat or someone is holding on. I search for a line up the left and keep going. I'm waiting for others to pass, but nobody does. I see the turn South and keep going. It's another minute before 4-5 guys pull around. I get in line and wait.
Heading South on Dequindre it's more of the same. Someone rides off and he gets pulled. This goes on until we pass 31 mile. A O2 rider goes and gets a good gap. Selle chaces and I get on his wheel. He pulls then it's my turn. It takes a while and help from others but he's brought back on Rush. The miles are whinding down and a few more attempts are made but the pack stays together. The pack is now bombing down Sheldon and guys keep launching off the front in hopes of being first into the two track at Stony.
We enter Stony and I'm sitting 8-10th in the group. I get by several guys in the next mile and I'm now 4th. Selle is yelling to keep speed for the climb that's coming. We make a turn right and I hit a large puddle. I make a good save and stay up, but the momentum is gone for the hill. They gap off about 30-40 yds. I can see them and give chase. I make another tactical mistake. While on the two track paralleling Sheldon I don't close the gap. I sit behind Armando thinking he will. A guy from ACF goes around us and makes contact in the single track before Sheldon. We turn on Sheldon and Armando has nothing left. I dig deep and try to bridge the gap, but I can't catch. I see them hit the grass at Baypoint and lose hope. I think the finish is a few hundred yards away. I let up too early. Not saying I would have caught them, but not knowing the finish was another mistake.
I had a great race. I learned somethings and believe I finished second in category. Final results aren't in yet. Thanks to Mike for putting this on. See you at Grampian.
Monday, September 19
Waterford Double Cross - 1 & 2 (Groundhog Day)
What a weekend! I don't know how it looked from the sidelines, but it was a full 90 minutes of racing excitement from between the ribbons.
Before I recap my POV on the racing I'd like to say THANK YOU! The list is in no particular order and if I didn't mention you, tough shit. Just kidding, I'm trying to remember it all. Thanks to.......
Tailwind Racing for a great experience. Things went smooth from registration-awards.
Tom Clark for the muffin.
DC for the kind words. Great job, both days. Glad you made the jump.
Dan Bannink for the great pull on day 2
David Johnson and John Osgood for the great racing and conversation.
Rob Selle for keeping it tough. Nice job on the Win.
Brian W, Tom Payn, Jason Cotter, Shaun Welch and everyone else for cheering.
Everyone who hung out and talked. It was a great scene. No attitudes, just people having a good time.
The whole Masters 35+ group. The racing was tough and clean. Respect too all.
Now for my bias opinion on the Masters 35+ Day 1 and 2. Both days went similar for me, so I'll make day 2 references in (...).
Having moved up to this class late last year I didn't know who to watch, so when I got to the line on Saturday my expectations were mid pack or slightly better. The field of riders was strong and I was marking a couple familiar faces (Osgood, Johnson, Selle, Bailey). The pace was fast off the line and guys were looking for wheels to get behind. Rob Selle (David Johnson) was off the front and had a noticeable gap. The rest of us rode mostly single file once on the grass and settled in for lap one. The lone leader was brought back to the group in lap 2/3 then the next attack would come. On both days this was the one to get on and I managed to do so. On day 1 it was David Johnson, Osgood and me from mid-race on. We each took our share of the lead and managed to build a good gap on the rest. ( Day 2 was Selle and Me. We built a gap, but Osgood and Johnson weren't far behind). I lead ,both days, into the bell lap.
Before I recap my POV on the racing I'd like to say THANK YOU! The list is in no particular order and if I didn't mention you, tough shit. Just kidding, I'm trying to remember it all. Thanks to.......
Tailwind Racing for a great experience. Things went smooth from registration-awards.
Tom Clark for the muffin.
DC for the kind words. Great job, both days. Glad you made the jump.
Dan Bannink for the great pull on day 2
David Johnson and John Osgood for the great racing and conversation.
Rob Selle for keeping it tough. Nice job on the Win.
Brian W, Tom Payn, Jason Cotter, Shaun Welch and everyone else for cheering.
Everyone who hung out and talked. It was a great scene. No attitudes, just people having a good time.
The whole Masters 35+ group. The racing was tough and clean. Respect too all.
Now for my bias opinion on the Masters 35+ Day 1 and 2. Both days went similar for me, so I'll make day 2 references in (...).

Day 2 I had a short blow up and told Osgood and Johnson to pass. I didn't think I would recover so quick and Selle was pulling away. I managed to hold on and get past Johnson and was closing to Osgood down the final hill, but like day 1 I couldn't catch. 3rd for the second day and another 2 seconds behind Osgood. Like I said in the beginning, What a great weekend! I raced for 2 days, finished 3rd both days and was only a combined 7 seconds from winning both days. This picture describes my weekend pretty well....Chasing Osgood. It's going to be a tough season and MR. T, I hear you. Time for some suffering!
Tuesday, August 30
Stony Creek XC
It was a great day for racing and I was ready to see how it would go. I haven't raced since Pontiac Lake TT and knew the 2+ hours was going to be tough. I'm also racing in the 40-49 age group this year and didn't know all the players. The whistle blew and immediately I'm going backwards up the climb. The legs are heavy and don't seem to have any power. I get shuffled toward the back of the group and settle in for the ride through the 'coaster'. While winding in the single track, I have a change of focus and a calm enters my mind. It's time to get around these guys and see what happens. I make the first pass going down the gravel hill, then make the turn right onto the two track towards the pines. DC is having a mechanical on the trail side, so one more spot gained. My legs felt much better now and the power and cadence were back. I'm passing guys and moving well. Through the Pines, up some climbs and lap 1 is over.
Laps 2 and 3 played about the same. I kept gaining ground and catching riders. I sat on some wheels though the two track (to recover) and attacked into the single track (maximize my perceived advantage). It was all going well leading into lap 4.
With few riders having passed me I thought I was running 4th or so. I needed to keep fighting and try and catch other guys. Midway in the coaster I could see Rob Selle through the trees and thought I might have a shot to catch him? I stayed calm and once back on the two track I could see him in the distance, but this is when my body started struggling. The legs loaded up, the pedals weren't turning as fast and my mind was having doubts. The small climb upto the pines was way tougher than it should have been and now I was in survival mode, trying to hold my position. The last climbs came and went slowly. Making the turn for the sled hill I was shot! I went into my easiest gear and crawled slowly. A look over my shoulder and no riders meant I could soft pedal in.
I finished 3rd and was happy with that, but I need faster stats and more endurance. The lap times were good, but falling off a minute in the last lap was not.
Laps 2 and 3 played about the same. I kept gaining ground and catching riders. I sat on some wheels though the two track (to recover) and attacked into the single track (maximize my perceived advantage). It was all going well leading into lap 4.
With few riders having passed me I thought I was running 4th or so. I needed to keep fighting and try and catch other guys. Midway in the coaster I could see Rob Selle through the trees and thought I might have a shot to catch him? I stayed calm and once back on the two track I could see him in the distance, but this is when my body started struggling. The legs loaded up, the pedals weren't turning as fast and my mind was having doubts. The small climb upto the pines was way tougher than it should have been and now I was in survival mode, trying to hold my position. The last climbs came and went slowly. Making the turn for the sled hill I was shot! I went into my easiest gear and crawled slowly. A look over my shoulder and no riders meant I could soft pedal in.
I finished 3rd and was happy with that, but I need faster stats and more endurance. The lap times were good, but falling off a minute in the last lap was not.
Wednesday, July 27
Possibly the warmest July on record is ending and that means soon we will have Fall racing! Ronde-Van Stony, Grampian, Peak 2 Peak, Ice Man and CX!
With only 6 +/- weeks until my season starts, I have a lot of 'work' before I'll be ready. I'm back on the bike and it's going well, but I'm lacking in LT. Hard group rides will help out with that. The event schedule is on paper: Stony XC, Addison XC, Ronde, Grampian, Addison 6hr, P2P and Ice Man. Tailwind Cyclocross Masters 35+.
Short and sweet for now. Bye
With only 6 +/- weeks until my season starts, I have a lot of 'work' before I'll be ready. I'm back on the bike and it's going well, but I'm lacking in LT. Hard group rides will help out with that. The event schedule is on paper: Stony XC, Addison XC, Ronde, Grampian, Addison 6hr, P2P and Ice Man. Tailwind Cyclocross Masters 35+.
Short and sweet for now. Bye
Thursday, June 30
Wednesday, June 8
Not Dead Yet.......
I'm still here. Just working like a fool. I'll be back on the bike in July. This is were my bike has been since the 6 Hours of Stony.
Sunday, May 15
6 Hours of Stony Creek

Yesterday I arrived an hour early and settled into my pre-race routine. Cooler and ride bag were at the tent and I was ready to get going. A quick rider's meeting and it was time to start. It was more congested at the start than I expected and that meant I would need to wait for the trail to open up. This didn't happen until the long two track leading out towards Sheldon. Once on it I was able to get around several riders and it was time to settle in and ride my race.
The plan going in was simple enough. Complete 7 laps, drink at least 1 bottle per hour and consume an additional 200 calories per lap. All went to plan except the food. I probably only had 100-150 calories per lap. I tried some different products and they were tough to chew and swallow on their own.
Laps 1 and 2 went well and I made my first stop for new bottles and food. I packed enough for laps 3 and 4 and headed out. I was still feeling good and watching the HR monitor, trying to keep a high Z2-lowZ3 effort, while eating and drinking at set places on the coarse. I continued to catch riders and stay to plan. Coming to the end of the forth lap I was considering my next refueling choices. I decided to grab more traditional foods, a banana, 1/2 P&J and some Sports Beans.
Lap 5 was when I started battling myself menatally and physically. The full rigid setup started giving me soar shoulders, triceps and arm pump. To help relax myself I would drop and shake out each arm on the flat 2 track sections. Mentally I knew this was as far as I completed last year and wasn't sure I could keep going another 20+ miles. I took a different approach halfway through the lap and stopped thinking about the race. Instead I thought about nature, family, friends and music. The oddest songs and thoughts would come to mind and I found myself laughing, wondering why this? Why now? Lap 5 was done and I wanted a Coke. Time for stop 3. While pulling in Keith R says Hi and tells me I'm running 3rd. Sweet! I comment that I'm 4:20:00 in and heading for lap 6. His comment is time for 2 more laps. At the time I wasn't sure I was going to make it.
Lap 6 was going to be the toughest lap. I started getting cold and my inner thighs were showing signs of cramping. I had to back off a couple times because they were twitching slightly. I changed my pedaling style and that helped for the remaining of the race. My head also started feeling heavy. It felt like I was wearing a weighted helmet and I thought how those other riders are going for 12 hours. The wind felt like it picked up and it was getting dark. I wasn't sure I wanted to keep going and beat the 7:30 cut off for final lap. Something kept me going and Lap 6 is done. Into the pits for the second half of my Coke and a vest. 7:20 pm and time for the last lap.
Lap 7 was surprisingly easy. I had a sudden peace and sense of accomplishment just having started the final
lap. I knew I was going to meet my lap goal and secure my podium finish. The hills hurt bad and I had to stand and grind everyone of them out. It felt like I was the only one out there. No other riders around and quiet. Heading into the 'Snake' for one last time I began to smile and almost cry because I was so tired. Up the final climb and into the finish for a 7 lap, 6:14:59 finish and 3rd place. 46 seconds behind 2nd. Great race for me and glad I didn't quite.

In closing I'd like to say that for all of you who cut the coarse I'm disappointed you think that's OK. You should DQ yourself or double back and ride the set coarse. On a positive note, great race to Jamie for his first solo 6hr. and 3rd place. Thanks to all the support from Paint Creek Team/Shop. I'll see you out there.
Saturday, May 7
I'm a Weekend, Weekend Warrior!
Before I talk about me, I would like to say congratulations to a couple guys/gal for great starts to their seasons. In no particular order- Christian Tanguy, Tim Finkel, Clint Verran, Mike Simonson, Steve Dempsey and Sue Stephens. It's great to see Michigan racers do well in National and International events. I know there are others and I have respect for all of you. Keep doing what you love!
Work is back on and that means riding is now one more step lower on the 'priority' list. Bittersweet, but better than not working. So for now my riding looks like Tuesdays for the Paint Creek Dirt Roads and Weekends. I have to make what time I have count and that means harder miles. Every time I go out I need to do intervals, tempo blocks or race efforts. I get plenty of 'recovery' like fitness working 10-12 hour days. Nothing new, just Spring time for Michigan Landscaping. Work starts settling down after the July 4th holiday and back to normal 40-50 hour weeks.
Event number 2 next week at the 6/12 of Stony Creek. I'm planning on a strong event and need to plan this week of work carefully. With a chance of rain and thunderstorms almost every day who knows how work or the race will go. I actually would like to see some rain on Saturday. Not thunderstorms, but showers or rain for about an hour or two. That would make things 'suck' that much more and make you search for your inner strength. Let's see what happens.
Work is back on and that means riding is now one more step lower on the 'priority' list. Bittersweet, but better than not working. So for now my riding looks like Tuesdays for the Paint Creek Dirt Roads and Weekends. I have to make what time I have count and that means harder miles. Every time I go out I need to do intervals, tempo blocks or race efforts. I get plenty of 'recovery' like fitness working 10-12 hour days. Nothing new, just Spring time for Michigan Landscaping. Work starts settling down after the July 4th holiday and back to normal 40-50 hour weeks.
Event number 2 next week at the 6/12 of Stony Creek. I'm planning on a strong event and need to plan this week of work carefully. With a chance of rain and thunderstorms almost every day who knows how work or the race will go. I actually would like to see some rain on Saturday. Not thunderstorms, but showers or rain for about an hour or two. That would make things 'suck' that much more and make you search for your inner strength. Let's see what happens.
Sunday, April 24
And So It Begins.....
.....Not with a bang, but a whimper. My 2011 racing season has started with the Pontiac Lake TT. I finished 3rd in Cat 1, 40-49 and for some this would be a good result, but not for me. I'm disappointed with my time. I came across in 1:29:xx vs. last years 1:24:xx and a goal of 41:00 minute laps if the weather held. The weather didn't hold and the trail was slower than the week leading up, but 5 minutes slower is too much. I hope when the results are posted I can see the splits and try to see if I just faded or am that far off. Either way there is work to be done. In order to move forward I need to see where I'm coming from, so let's look at the 'riding' so far.

Thanks again to all the people I talked with. Congratulations to all the winners. Good luck in reaching your goals.
Sunday, April 10
Hello Summer?
Today it was 80+ degrees! Too Hot for me this early in the year. It will help dry things up on the trails though and thats great. I did get out to Stony Creek and peddle around the single/two track for 20 miles and was surprised how dry things were. It's been a cold, wet spring and I wasn't sure how long it would take before the trail(s) would be ready.
Glad they are.
I missed the peace the trail gives me. How I feel like nothing else matters for that period of time when the trees, rocks and roots are going by. That feeling of flowing through turns and powering up climbs. For me there's nothing like it. It reminds me of when I was a kid and built trails behind my house in the woods and would spend hours riding the same 100 yards over and over. It never got old. Now I have more trails to choose from and each has it's specailty, but I enjoy Stony Creek. It can be enjoyed in so many different ways that it is one of my favorites. Dirt roads have there moments, but they serve more for milage than childhood fun.
Soon mtb racing begins and people start to judge and compete, but hopefully they don't forget why they ride. Good luck to ALL this season weather you're on dirt or road and I'll see you around.
Glad they are.
I missed the peace the trail gives me. How I feel like nothing else matters for that period of time when the trees, rocks and roots are going by. That feeling of flowing through turns and powering up climbs. For me there's nothing like it. It reminds me of when I was a kid and built trails behind my house in the woods and would spend hours riding the same 100 yards over and over. It never got old. Now I have more trails to choose from and each has it's specailty, but I enjoy Stony Creek. It can be enjoyed in so many different ways that it is one of my favorites. Dirt roads have there moments, but they serve more for milage than childhood fun.
Soon mtb racing begins and people start to judge and compete, but hopefully they don't forget why they ride. Good luck to ALL this season weather you're on dirt or road and I'll see you around.
Wednesday, March 23
Hello Spring?
The calendar says Spring, but Mother Nature is saying different. My goal of staying consistent with my riding and maintaining at least 5-6 days on the bike isn't going so well. I can deal with the cold and wind, but the snow is the problem. I have to be on call for the storms and make sure I'm rested in case we get accumulations. That means poor sleep and the sit and wait approach. It has to end sometime?
My first planned event isn't until the Pontiac Lake TT, so I have a month to get some AT work in. Good luck to all heading over for Barry-Roubaix. The weather looks cold and try, so have fun! I'm going to venture into North East Oakland County again for two days of 40 mile rides and dirt road hills.
For those who don't know and care, I can now be followed on F'book along w/ Twitter.
My first planned event isn't until the Pontiac Lake TT, so I have a month to get some AT work in. Good luck to all heading over for Barry-Roubaix. The weather looks cold and try, so have fun! I'm going to venture into North East Oakland County again for two days of 40 mile rides and dirt road hills.
For those who don't know and care, I can now be followed on F'book along w/ Twitter.
Sunday, March 13
Spring Forward
It's already the middle of March and a taste of Spring is on it's way. I managed 6.5 hours on the Niner this week for 108 miles. I know some of you did more on Saturday alone. The rides feel great and for now I'm just trying to log miles. I'm way behind were I thought I'd be, but with the snow, a new company launch and the always increasing family obligations, my riding has not been top priority. No regrets, just be ready for the events I want.
This week my goal is to get in a couple 2 hour rides (Friday and Sunday), but that might not happen because there is a lot going on. Certification classes M-W for 8 hours, son 1 baseball practice Tuesday and Saturday. Son 2 basketball Thursday and Saturday, plus Scouts Tuesday. Proposal deadlines for clients and time for the wife. Not much time for riding, but the lights are charging and the temps look good so I can do it!
The Facebook account is now up and I'm learning my way around, so be patient and thanks to those who have 'friend'ed so far.
That's it for now, more next weekend. Thanks.
This week my goal is to get in a couple 2 hour rides (Friday and Sunday), but that might not happen because there is a lot going on. Certification classes M-W for 8 hours, son 1 baseball practice Tuesday and Saturday. Son 2 basketball Thursday and Saturday, plus Scouts Tuesday. Proposal deadlines for clients and time for the wife. Not much time for riding, but the lights are charging and the temps look good so I can do it!
The Facebook account is now up and I'm learning my way around, so be patient and thanks to those who have 'friend'ed so far.
That's it for now, more next weekend. Thanks.
Tuesday, March 1
Monday, February 28
Hot, Cold / On, Off
Another week of Snow! I plowed 4 of the last 7 days and between storms, had to repair equipment, replenish salt reserves and move snow piles. The money is good, but I'm ready for a break!
It's nice to read the new blog postings and see who's doing what. Robert continues to log many miles, Tim F stirs the pot and shares his thoughts. While some 'new' sceners (Os and Lako) are putting in some winter training in preparation for a strong season. Thanks everyone for sharing and remember why you ride and what motivates you.
This week's goals are to get back on track and finalize my race schedule. It starts with a windy ride today and tomorrow's 'Iceman' registration. How many people will continue to complain about races and promotions? (visit the MMBA forum) Change and progress are good and take time. I'll try and make weekly / bi-weekly updates until the season gets started, but for now any rides will be briefed through twitter.
Good luck to everyone on Iceman registration.
It's nice to read the new blog postings and see who's doing what. Robert continues to log many miles, Tim F stirs the pot and shares his thoughts. While some 'new' sceners (Os and Lako) are putting in some winter training in preparation for a strong season. Thanks everyone for sharing and remember why you ride and what motivates you.
This week's goals are to get back on track and finalize my race schedule. It starts with a windy ride today and tomorrow's 'Iceman' registration. How many people will continue to complain about races and promotions? (visit the MMBA forum) Change and progress are good and take time. I'll try and make weekly / bi-weekly updates until the season gets started, but for now any rides will be briefed through twitter.
Good luck to everyone on Iceman registration.
Sunday, February 20
It Just Feels Good
It was my first full week back on the bike and it just feels good. I rode 6:48:00 for 109.3 hours, not epic riding, but it was fun. My route has been up and down Beach Rd. with a loop around the Cranbrook / Kensington Rd. area. Traffic is quite and there are some nice dirt and paved climbs. I will keep on this schedule for the next 2-3 weeks until I up the ride times and start some harder efforts 1-2 times a week. Barry Roubaix might be back on, but it looks like a week of decision. For now it's back to the Daytona 500, waiting for the snow to stop so I can go to work, and watching the World Championships of Cyclocross. Universal Sports (Comcast 295) is Running it tonight (Sunday), but I DVR'd the womens from last night. I already know who won, but missed the live streams because of family obligations.
Wednesday, February 9
Slow Go 2 No Go!
Well I haven't been on the bike in almost 3 weeks. I missed Lumber Jack registration and Barry Roubaix is a bust this year for me. Looks like I will plan for the Pontiac Lake TT and start riding Friday. I have a new Spring plan and will be ready for the season. Whatever that means?
Sunday, January 23
It's A Slow Go
It's been a slow first week of riding. I've managed 83 miles in 4 days on the bike. The minor snow storms and family obligations have been throwing my schedule off. This week looks quieter, so maybe I can hit my goals. Here's a picture of today's ride. Single digit wind chill, sunny and the light snow from yesterday helped with traction on the 'dirt' roads. I wasn't the first one out here either. It looked like two others beat me to it.
Next weekend is CX Worlds for all still following. Will update link later in the week.
Next weekend is CX Worlds for all still following. Will update link later in the week.
Sunday, January 2
Saturday, January 1
Happy New Year and More Cross (Correction)

USA's Jonathon Page finished 14th (-3:00), while Matter and Lalonde (-2laps)
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