Saturday, May 7

I'm a Weekend, Weekend Warrior!

Before I talk about me, I would like to say congratulations to a couple guys/gal for great starts to their seasons. In no particular order- Christian Tanguy, Tim Finkel, Clint Verran, Mike Simonson, Steve Dempsey and Sue Stephens.  It's great to see Michigan racers do well in National and International events.  I know there are others and I have respect for all of you. Keep doing what you love!

Work is back on and that means riding is now one more step lower on the 'priority' list.  Bittersweet, but better than  not working.  So for now my riding looks like Tuesdays for the Paint Creek Dirt Roads and Weekends.  I have to make what time I have count and that means harder miles.  Every time I go out I need to do intervals, tempo blocks or race efforts.  I get plenty of  'recovery' like fitness working 10-12 hour days. Nothing new, just Spring time for Michigan Landscaping.  Work starts settling down after the July 4th holiday and back to normal 40-50 hour weeks. 

Event number 2 next week at the 6/12 of Stony Creek.  I'm planning on a strong event and need to plan this week of work carefully.  With a chance of rain and thunderstorms almost every day who knows how work or the race will go.  I actually would like to see some rain on Saturday.  Not thunderstorms, but showers or rain for about an hour or two. That would make things 'suck' that much more and make you search for your inner strength. Let's see what happens.

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