.....Not with a bang, but a whimper. My 2011 racing season has started with the Pontiac Lake TT. I finished 3rd in Cat 1, 40-49 and for some this would be a good result, but not for me. I'm disappointed with my time. I came across in 1:29:xx vs. last years 1:24:xx and a goal of 41:00 minute laps if the weather held. The weather didn't hold and the trail was slower than the week leading up, but 5 minutes slower is too much. I hope when the results are posted I can see the splits and try to see if I just faded or am that far off. Either way there is work to be done. In order to move forward I need to see where I'm coming from, so let's look at the 'riding' so far.

2011 miles started on Jan. 17 and I accumulated 498 miles and 31.5 hours by March 14. (roughly 2 months) Nothing ground breaking here. From March 14 to present (6 weeks) 387 miles and 22 hours. Still nothing ground breaking, perhaps even poor. Grand total = 885 miles and 53.5 hours YTD (14 weeks). What, if anything, can I take from this? 885/14=63.2 avg. miles per week. 53.5/14=3.8 avg. hrs. per week.
Last season, at this time, I had twice the miles/hrs (1675/109.5) and had a strong Spring/Summer and Fell off in the Fall/Winter. Maybe this year I'll start slower and finish stronger? It will take another 8 months to find out. For now I'll continue to enjoy the ride and take races as they come. If that means X place then so be it. It doesn't take away I had a great day hanging out and racing my bike. In the end that's what means something. Great people and great experiences. Though I hope registration moves better. Next up is the 6hrs of Stony. I'm planning on bettering last years performance and completing 7 laps in the time allowed. Not sure where that will but me in the results, but it will be a victory for me.
Thanks again to all the people I talked with. Congratulations to all the winners. Good luck in reaching your goals.
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